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Amend My Order
Amend Order
If your order has not been processed yet, you will be able to cancel the order by following the below steps. If your order has been processed, cancellation is not possible. Please follow the below steps to check if your order can be cancelled. Unfortunately, if the option to cancel is not presented to you then neither you nor customer services will be able to cancel the order.
How to cancel an order online:
Sign into your account.
Find your order in ‘Orders & Returns’.
Click ‘View Order’.
Then click on ‘Cancel order'
Confirm you wish to cancel your order. You’ll then receive a confirmation email.
Guest orders
If you placed your order as a guest, it is not possible to cancel your order online. Contact customer service for assistance with your order
You can reach out to us via email or call our Customer Service line at 800 62637 which is open from 9am-9pm (BH Time). Our Customer Service team are fluent in English and Arabic and can assist you in the language you prefer.